She recieved lots of goodies such as a trike, play doh, little people school bus, Mr. Potato Head, art sets and her favorite some new balls. She also recieved some money to go clothes shopping the fall so that will come in handy. She likes all of her new things a lot. I had to put the art sets up in the closet until she gets older as I am not ready for her to have markers and glitter glue yet. Espcially since she likes to draw on herself and anything else around her. She was not happy that I did that as she really wanted to play with the markers. Oh well she can stick with the special markers that only color on certain paper for now :)
After presents we moved onto cake. This really got her attention as she loves to eat Cake! Her awesome Minnie Mouse Cake came from a bakery in downtown Rockford. Delicious cake and would highly recommend them. She has over 200 different character cake pans in addition to all of the normal cake stuff. We didn't sing Happy Birthday to Emilia as it makes her cry. We found this out earlier in the week when we sang Happy Birthday to her cousin Bo.
Emilia actually wore her Minnie Mouse ears from Disney World for her party. I was really surprised as she normally does not like hats. I love this picture of her from behind and I am learning to play with my photo editing software. To conclude the day we went downtown Rockford to watch Fireworks as her birthday fell on their Start of Summer Celebration!