Happy 4th of July Everybody! I hope everyone had as fun of a weekend as we did. Here is Miss Sabrina looking cute on her first 4th of July!

On Saturday we went to Millennium Park for the first time. Emilia had fun splashing on the Splash Pad and playing on the beach. Sabrina took a snooze for almost the entire 5 hours that we were there in her cozy baby tent.

On Sunday we went out to Long Lake for the annual 4th of July party that we attend. Emilia was our little fish again and spent the entire time in the water swimming and attempting to kayak. After the party we went to Brad and Margarets to relax by their fire pit and make Hobo pies. We are going to attempt to watch fireworks tonight from Alpine. Hopefully we will be far enough away that we don't hear the sound as Emilia does not like loud noises right now. Today was spent playing outside. Emilia tried out her new rollar skates and her Ariel slip and slide that she got for her birthday. Emilia has been working on potty training for the past week. She has been doing so well up until this afternoon when she pooped in her panties and swim suit because she didn't want to stop what she was doing to go inside. Other than that she has only had two accidents all week long so we are very proud of her. Hopefully she will catch on that its okay to stop what she is doing and that she isn't going to miss anything when she goes inside to go potty.

Its hard work being cute on the 4th of July!

Check out the cute crab on my butt!!!