Hi Everyone!!!! I was told that I should start a blog for Emilia that way everyone can keep up with her and all of her firsts. It sounded like a good idea to me so here we go! I have never really blogged before so this will take some getting use to! I am including some of Emilia's recent pictures that we had taken at 4 months.
She is growing and changing so fast. She really discovered her voice for the first time on Election Day. She just talks and talks and talks to herself. Its a lot nicer to hear her talking to herself in her crib in the morning instead of crying :) She is inch worming all over the place now. Pretty soon she will be crawling!!! Herm and I will be baby proofing the house more pretty quick. Emilia is also trying to sit up. Right now she is doing her ab crunches..lifting her head and her legs but just can't seem to get her back up yet. No teeth yet but I am sure that those should be coming soon also. She rolls over both ways now so she has become a tummy sleeper and spends a good portion of her day on her tummy. Very hard to keep her on her back even in the bath tub she is rolling over!

She was Tinkerbell for Halloween as you can see in the picture. She learned to really grasp objects and put them somewhere else just in time for Halloween. She had a blast with the candy bowl at Mema's. Kept her entertained for hours just putting her hands in there and hearing the crinkling of the candy wrappers.
I will post more Halloween pictures later!

She did good for the most part during her pictures. She had a lot more bigger smiles out in the waiting room than we got on camera. Go Figure! I love this cry picture that the photographer took. Definitely something different than all of her other pictures. Something to show her when she gets older! Well that is all for now! I will be sure to post some more pictures later!
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