She is becoming such a busy bee. She is climbing up and down stairs. She is starting to venture on her own. She has started taking steps without holding onto anything. She is up to 4 at a time before she falls but most of the time it is only about 2 steps. She does like to walk on her knees which is the weirdest thing I have ever seen a baby do. Herm thinks it comes from playing on the trampoline because she bounces on her knees. She is saying Hi and bye bye now really clearly. Emilia is enjoying going down her slides on her Little Tikes climber in her new playground in our backyard.

We have gotten rid of 2 bottles now that she is a big girl and drinking whole milk. Only the morning bottle and
evening to work on next. She is really working hard on feeding herself. Which is always a messy task! She had her first happy meal the other day which she really liked the Chocolate Milk! She is growing like a weed. She measured to be 29 inches tall (50 percentile) and 23 lbs 10 oz (90 percentile) at her one year check up. She followed the guidelines and tripled her weight in a year like she was suppose to. She started out at 7 lb 14 oz. I can't imagine why she is so short though :) I am still hoping that she will get a little bit of Herm's height. Well that is enough for now!

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