I can't believe how fast time is flying with Sabrina! She is two months old now (well actually she is one day shy of 11 weeks as I am writing this but we'll stick with 2 months). She weighed 11 lbs 6 oz and 22 5/8 inches long at her two month check up last week. She is getting better at sleeping through the night. Some nights she will sleep 8 hours but not always.

Sabrina loves her swing unlike her sister :) Mema picked up this swing for $20 at a garage sale since I sold Emilia's swing. It is in great condition and retails for $140 so this was a great garage sale deal! Poor Sabrina gets the short end of the stick with all the used items and hand me down she gets. I was hoping to break the tradition that the second one doesn't get to do as much as the first and keep things the same between her and Emilia but I don't think its going to happen. Emilia traveled a lot during her first 3 years with 3 trips to Disney World, 1 trip to Cocoa Beach Florida, and a Carnival Cruise. Sabrina will be lucky if she gets 1 trip to Disney during her first three years of her life at the rate we are going. Even though there is a great promotion going on for January/February at Disney right now that we could take her at roughly the same age we took Emilia but Herm would have to play a lot of poker and win to come up with the money in time. I think its just the guilt getting to me that I can't do all the things with her when she is small that I did with Emilia. Not that I don't enjoy the everyday moments and make the most of those :)

We put Sabrina in bed with Emilia to be silly. Emilia loved having her in her bed and was a little mad that Sabrina couldn't sleep with her. She loves being a big sister and I think she would like Sabrina a little bigger so she could play with her more.

The next day Emilia decided to climb in Sabrina's crib with her since they laid together in her bed the night before. Emilia is definately a silly girl. She is adapting well to having Sabrina in our house. The only place where she struggles is when it comes to the strollers. She always wants to ride in the strollers instead of letting sister as they are her strollers.

Emilia likes to help out as much as she can - I have yet to have her actually feed Sabrina an entire bottle though. Emilia is excited to go to Preschool in the fall. We are doing well on the potty training business during the day. She is nowhere near being dry at naps or night time yet though but I think we are going to be trained enough for her to go to school. Unless when she gets there she gets too busy and forgets then we might be in trouble. Hopefully since its only 1.5 hours she will make it through and won't have to go to the potty while at school as she needs help getting on and off and sometime pulling up her pants but not always.
Wells that is about it in our little lives. Nothing too exciting happening in our house which isn't always a bad thing :)
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