May 20th, 2011 at 7:56 am our newest little Princess made her way into the world. Sabrina Kennedy Siegel wanted to have her own exciting deliverly story as she arrived quickly unlike her Big Sister that had labor for 40 + hours. We definately did not think she would be arriving on Friday morning if you would have asked me the night before as I was feeling very pregnant still and at my doctor appointment on Monday there was nothing going on down there that we were told it might be awhile still.

However Sabrina had other plans. I went to bed around 1:30 am and contractions woke me up at 3:45 am. They were definately weird contractions as they were coming 5-7 minutes apart but were only lasting maybe 30 seconds so we hung out at home for awhile. My water broke at 6:40 am which we weren't 100% sure if it was my water or something else as Emilia was kind enough to pass on this horrible cough. So we called the doctor and he told us to go to the hospital. We left our house shortly after 7:00 am to head downtown to St. Marys. At this time the contractions were coming every 3 to 4 minutes and definately in a lot of pain. We arrived at the hospital shortly after 7:30 am due to everyone on 131 traveling at 72 mph that Herm couldn't speed and my contractions were every 1 to 2 minutes lasting about a minute in length. Herm wheeled me up to the ninth floor of the hospital where the nurses were like we need your insurance card and id until I screamed and then wheeled me off to a delivery room skipping the triage room this time around. There were about 4 nurses in the room and the first one checked me and said I was fully dilated and I can't have an epidural. Sabrina quickly crowned after that and thank goodness there were some resident doctors since my OB didn't make it up there in time. I did get to see 2 of my 5 OB doctors since Sabrina basically came right at on call shift change.

Sabrina Kennedy weighed 7 lbs 12.5 oz and was 21.5 inches long. Emilia was excited to come see her new little sister. She is pretty protective of her deciding who got to hold her and where in the hospital room. She even got mad the other night at Meijer and threw herself on the floor because Daddy took the baby to run to Walmart to get my prescription. Emilia likes to help out as much as she can and as soon as baby is awake she wants her out of her chair or bed. She likes to ask Sabrina "Whats the Matter?" when she starts crying or says "Baby's okay."

Here we are leaving the hospital on Sunday Morning. We were definately ready to get out of there as we were pretty bored on Saturday. Emilia shorted us time in the hospital since she was born just before midnight and this one gave us extra time. Since Sabrina was born so early in the day all of our visitors came on Friday at the same time so that left my aunt and uncle to come see the baby on Saturday and of course Mema and Emilia.

This is how we found Sabrina when we got home. We knew she was mad about something on the way home but fell asleep so we kind of laughed when we saw this.
Welcome to the world Sabrina Kennedy! And luckily the world didn't end on Saturday May 21st like that person said it was suppose to as that would have been a very short life.
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