Such precious little feet! We are adjusting to our new life as a family of four instead of a family of three. It is definately different trying to get two kids out the door instead of just one.

Here are some pictures of Sabrina Kennedy for the non facebook people in our lives. She is 4 days old in these pictures and currently has blue eyes. I hope that they stay that way :) She weighed 7 lbs 8 oz at the doctor that morning and is only 20.25 inches long now instead of the 21.5 inches they measured her at the hospital. Emilia shunk too when we went to the doctor but I don't think quite as much and Emilia had more a cone head than Sabrina since she was in the birth canal longer. So I can't explain why she is shorter.

I know babies aren't suppose to smile this early but I don't think you can deny this one. Sabrina is a pretty happy baby and I have gotten quite a few smiles out of her so I don't think they are facial expressions responding to gas.

Its not all about Sabrina so here's a picture of Miss Emilia. This was after we have given sister a sponge bath. Emilia wanted to take a bath in the blue tub but we convinced her to give Ariel a bath instead. Emilia is adjusting fairly well. There are times that she says that she is a baby but for the most part is doing good. She wanted to be swaddled the other night when I was trying to figure out how to swaddle again. I gave away my "moms on call" book which had the best instructions on how to swaddle and Emilia never broke free until she was bigger so I am back to trying to remember since I don't want to go buy the book for just a few pages.
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