Miss Emilia turned the Big 3 on June 10th. This year for her birthday we had a swimming party at the hotel in Greenville. It was an "Ariel Birthday" as Emilia kept calling it. Here she is dressed in her brand new Ariel swimming stuff. She even has Ariel arm floaties! We made a weekend out of her birthday. On her actual birthday we went to Chuck E Cheese where she got all her new Ariel swim stuff. Her party was on Saturday where we stayed the night at the hotel and went to Rockford that evening to watch fireworks for their Start of Summer Celebration.
She even got to ride the rollar coaster at the carnival.

Emilia loves swimming with her Daddy. She is our little fish. The only time she got out of the pool was to eat and open her birthday presents!

Last year Emilia hated the Happy Birthday song so we didn't sing it to her. She pretty much hates all singing which is the main reason she doesn't know her alphabet yet but we turned her onto the Happy Birthday song a couple months before her birthday using playdoh. She even told us it was time to sing and was waiting on us. She had the biggest smile on her face and was thrilled to blow out her candle on her Ariel cake.

Here is Emilia opening her presents with her friend Gracie from Mom's Club and her cousin Kiersten. This was a change for us this year too since the past two years she had to sit on Daddy's lap to open presents. Last year she didn't even make it through the whole pile before she wanted down. This year she just went to town on them that it was hard to keep up with who gave her what present. I think I figured it out to get the Thank you notes sent out. She loves all of her new presents espcially her Barbie "puter", her wagon and the bubbles. We haven't tried out the rollar skates yet and I think we are about out of bubble solution :)

Overall it was a wonderful day. Emilia had to have the piece of cake that had the Ariel figure on it. I think she picked at that piece of cake for 3 days and mainly just ate the frosting. I think she had a lot of fun this weekend and it was worth every penny. This was her most expensive birthday party yet but that was probably because it wasn't at our house and I bought her a lot of presents since sister was just born 3 weeks ago. Sabrina was a trooper through the whole party. She pretty much slept the whole time and had lots of people to hold her so Herm and I were able to enjoy the party!!
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